Hi Christopher,
back from vaccation I installed QTS 5 and upgraded Roon to the Oktober version on my TVS 873.
Installation was running smooth, streaming ok, AAC working… Only if I try to open the Roon app on the TVS I get this message : Could not verify session id.
Can you figure out the problem?
Ein schönes Restwochenende
Can you check, if the same happens when opening QTS administration by its IP address?
I have in my system 3ports teaming means 1IP and another also with one.
with both ip`s the same :Could not verify session id.
Are you logged in as an administrator?
(I’ve added several checks in regards to the session Id to secure the interface.)
yes I did but not with the name administrator (was sametimes an MS-problem)
I received an answer from QNAP regarding QTS 4.3.x:
QNAP has already stopped updates for QTS 4.3, and QTS 4.3 couldn’t be updated to newer FW version. However, you can provide the Roon Server QPKG to the user for manual installation.
A post was split to a new topic: QNAP core unstable
Thx for supplying the link to the package previously. I run Roon on a TS-470 Pro with 4.3.6 firmware.
I did the update manually and everything worked fine.