QNAP QTS 4.4.1 Regular Roon Crashes

Hi @Jamie_Tudor,

Thank you for sending your database over, I have forwarded it to the QA team for closer inspection. Please leave this database uploaded to your link until QA has had a chance to review.

It may take a bit of time for this to reach their queue but as soon as I have any new information to share I will be sure to let you know, in the meantime you may want to use a fresh database on your QNAP.

How has this part of testing gone? Are you able to successfully use the existing database on your Windows Core as expected?

A couple of weeks ago I moved by core to a Windows VM on the QNAP, and the problem went away. So whatever it was was specific to the *nix variants.

When 1.7 came out, I moved back to use the native QNAP app, and I haven’t had a recurrence of the problem in just over a week.

So whatever it was was likely fixed by something in 1.7 or by the database update that 1.7 initiated.

I will come back to you if I see the issue again.



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