QNAP TS 464 8g for core?

I have 4 x 2tb SSDs installed. Can install M2.NVME but not sure what that would do. I was concerned about getting the music thru the DAC. But realised that I have RCA connecting DAC to AMP but not to my core except via Ethernet and micro rendu. At present using a Mac Book Pro for core which is what the microrendu is connect to. Would I have to move that to the NAS?

Or should I leave well alone? At present all the music files are on a Sabrent 4tb Thunderbolt 3 SSD externally.

Hope you all well and if this time of year is fun for you then I hope you have plenty of fun! I detest it.

QNAP TS-464 8G is a very good choice for running roon core on it if you do not have a crazy big library. I have a similarly equipped QNAP (CPU-wise) and it is really fun to use with a max of 75k tracks, maybe 120k max. Having SSD installed either via SATA or M.2 would not make a difference according to what I have experienced.

But realised that I have RCA connecting DAC to AMP but not to my core except via Ethernet and micro rendu.

Not sure what your thoughts are on that but what you describe sounds like the whole idea of roon - having a powerful server (like your QNAP) sending streams in roon´s proprietary format via Ethernet to roon ready devices such as your renderer. As long as both server and streamer are wired to the same network, no further connection is needed.

As your Sabrent SSD with files seems to be USB3.2 compatible it can easily be accessed by the QNAP as an external storage. But I would move or copy them to the internal SSD of your QNAP just for backup and redundancy reasons. The whole idea of such a NAS as a music server is in my understanding taking advantage of all these RAID, redundancy and semi-automatic backup options to protect your music. I experienced a bad drive (HDD) some months ago and my QNAP just restored everything by itself after plugging in a new one.

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My apologies for the delayed response. Did my knee in and it caused a great deal of pain since Dec27. It is better now but no right yet. Another 4 weeks of not driving or swimming and sitting in my wheelchair hurts cos of the knee having the bend!

ANYWAY, I set up Roon on my QNAP TS 464-8G. It worked really well. Except that it didn’t use the micro rendu, despite it being on the network. I ‘linked’ the MR and my OPPO but that didn’t appear to do anything as when I switch off the power to the MR the music still played.

At the moment I am in the process of putting my core back on 2019 MBPro which works without an issue.

Oh the reason I put the server and not just the core on the NAS was because it stuttered constantly when playing. It may have played a song all the way thru but then on the next track it stuttered. It did not do this when the server and core were on the NAS and the Mac Studio. However, I lost the MR use and also could not use the HP which I own.

I am perfectly alright using a 4tb ext SSD as I have done since i set this up 4 years ago. I have several copies.

I will stick to using the NAS for my photography which was the purpose in the first place!
Kind Regards

QNAP 251 and 8Gb here, working like a charm

But I don’t use the DSP… I suspect that if I start playing with equalization, room correction and stuff like that I might have some issue with such an old QNAP model

@Gianluca which 251, the HS-251 or TS-251 or HS-251+?

I don’t think so. Used to have a QNAP TS-251D with 8GB for years which is more powerful than the 251 models, CPU-wise. It was handling DSP and multichannel and DSD crosscoding pretty well and even decent multiroom use.

What brought it to collapse in the end of the day was the size and structure of my library. As soon as I added boxsets and lots of classical stuff as well as DSD and unidentified albums exceeding 100k tracks, it was: rien ne va plus!