Qobuz albums not available in Roon

Ah! Thanks! Well I was not aware of that, I guess I never held it wrong :wink: Mine was a 10", not sure if it did that.

This seems to be a very confusing behavior, too.

I just tested on a Samsing Galaxy Tab A with 10.1" screen.
And indeed the Edit button only shows in landscape mode, not available (viewable) in portrait mode.




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I use a Xiaomi pad. I will look if the orientation makes a difference.

All qobus albums that are in the Roon library and unavailable work flawless in qobus…


Same albums, (most probably) different - (renewed) - catalog numbers .
It is not only you, we all are dealing (have to deal) with this.

Huh, shoot me. I checked, on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1, purchased November 2019, it shows the Edit option in portrait just fine. Which explains why I never considered the possibility :slight_smile:

Weirdly, I also notice that on my screen the album cover is placed to the left and the title on its right hand side (and always is), while on yours the cover is centered and the title below :man_shrugging:

I wonder if this has to do with how Roon recognizes the tablet?
My tablet is ready to accept a sim card (although no sim card is inserted.
I Settings - About, Roon specifies the tablet as:
This Phone
Roon version 2.0 (build 1303) production

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Good point, mine is wifi only. My Roon version is B1321 Early Access but I doubt that matters because it has behaved the same from day 1 in Roon 3 years ago.

Super confusing and obviously wrong because whether it has a SIM slot or not has obviously zero effect on the display size and no good reason to take away features and force an IMO worse screen layout.

@support this seems to be a bug and very confusing for no good reason.

Hi all,

Checked the menu in landscape. Now edit is shown. Sadly this did not help. The albums that were unavailable are still unavailable and stil can not be deleted from the Roon library.

This is really sad. O hope there wil be an answer to this problem. I like the albums but Roon does not aparently…


But now you can try the workaround and go to Edit > Identify, identify them as something, and then try if you can delete them. This was the original purpose of the whole exercise. Did you try that now?

If you can edit the album, you can remove it from your library.

Open Edit and select identify album.
You can select whatever album, even a total different one - as long as you remember it, and then click save.
By doing this Roon will write in its database. As a result you have gained back control over the “identified” album, i.e. you can remove it from your library.

After that, go to Settings - library- clean library.

And then you can lookup your desiered album and re-add it to your library.

Just give it a go. It reallyis not that complicated.

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Hi all,

I tried to edit. Did not try to put an other album instead of the ‘not avaleble’ albums. I will try this wen te problem occurs again.

Today the St Germain album was added to the library?? It is in the ‘added today’ listing??

So something happend to make this happen, I did not do it. Also an other album is not ‘not avaleble’ any longer. I did noting…?


Licensing changes mean that streaming albums can be pulled and either be replaced with a new copy or not

No idea, it doesn’t happen on its own. Did you Re-Identify it?

I did some days ago with no result. I mentioned is then. I played the album in cobus 2 days ago.

Yeah, something funny is going on here…
When viewing many albums, when I click “versions” to see the Qobuz versions vs. files stored on my NAS, then selecting the Qobuz version, it shows all songs as being unavailable. Ditto w/ many songs listened to just last week. I understand that albums occasionally get replaced. But this is happening all over my library. I mostly noticed it starting Sunday, December 3rd. I figured I’d give it a day or two to see if the metadata would get refreshed / fixed… but no dice!

(and so far, I can find / play all of these albums directly from the Qobuz app)

Here are screenshots of examples:

Everything from Roger Waters Dark Side redux to The Immaculate Collection.

Must be something local. Available here. (The Netherlands)