Qobuz Canada bit rate/bit depth display errors [Ticket In]

I am Canadian Roon user and have recently signed up for a Qobuz subscription (April 19, 2023). Here are some examples of the display errors:

ase include a screenshot of the album if applicable. →

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

It’s a known issue Qobuz are working on it.

It’s not actually Ged. We thought that this was fixed. I asked the OP to post details in a new metadata support thread, which he has done.

@Lars_Glassel Thanks for posting these details. The metadata for all of these albums look correct on our servers, so this is something else (potentially an update problem). Can you say (approximately) when you added these albums to your library? (except the Röyskopp album, which appears not to have been added)

Me Culpa :sleepy:

I also have these issues for all albums I favourited in Qobuz back in April shortly after Qobuz launched in Canada. This affects around 2000 albums I imported using Soundiiz from my existing Tidal favourites. They only display correctly if I remove an album and then add it back into Roon.

Here is an example:

But signal path shows it correctly:

It’s the same for all other albums I have in my Qobuz library so hopefully an example suffices.

Thanks for any resolution (no pun intended :upside_down_face:).

I’m also still experiencing this issue. Today I tried deleting all albums from my Qobuz library and adding them again using Soundiiz Tidal>Qobuz transfer, but issue still persists. A few hi-res albums show correct info but most do not.

I’m a Qobuz user in Canada [and had the problem as did everyone at the start]

Not now having the problem

Just checked the Billy Joel album that has been pointed to – and when I search its versions Roon it’s at 96 in Qobuz

I just checked this Billy Joel album after reinstalling my Roon core and reloading the Roon app on my iPad and it’s still displaying incorrectly on both the album screen and the now playing screen.(display is 44.1kHz 16bit instead of 192kHz 24bit which is what it is actually playing as viewed in my signal path).

This is not only affecting albums in my library but with many other albums that are not in my library…frustrating.

Album noted as mixed track formats

I do see this is a mixed format album although my display shows 44.1 kHz 16bit which none of the tracks seem to be?

Hey Everyone,

While we investigate this deeper, we believe it may be a transient issue that potentially has been resolved. Can you confirm if you’re still experiencing this display error?

I’ll be on standby for your replies. :+1:

Hi @Benjamin unfortunately not yet. I’m still seeing 16/44 for most albums in the Home Screen or under the Versions list. Only the signal path shows the correct resolution…

It isn’t fixed for me either, as you can see in the attached screenshot the bitrate is not being displayed and this happens on many albums but not all whether they are in my favourites or not.

Looks like I got the issue fixed with a bit of chicanery. First I removed all Qobuz favourites from my Roon library. Then I used Soundiiz to ensure the albums were all still favourited in Qobuz. The albums were then loaded back to my Roon library and the data now seems to display correctly. Phew!

A VERY few are fixed but MOST are not. Come on this has been a long while and people who care about music like us Roon/QoBuz users really care about this!

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Thanks for the update!

As a next step, please try logging out and temporarily disabling Qobuz from your Roon account. Then give your core a reboot, and sign back in. :+1:

I logged out of Qobuz as instructed and rebooted my whole system including the core, unfortunately it is not fixed as you can see with the attached screenshots.

Just for clarification, are those of you with problems running Roon 2.0 or 1.8?

Running the latest beta version.