Qobuz Club registration process

Qobuz subscribers here would have received in recent days an invitation to joint the new Qobuz Club. In the joining process Qobuz requires permission to share subscriber details as in the dialogue below. They don’t however provide any details of who Circle are or what they do? Anyone here have any idea of who Circle are? I think Qobuz could have provided a bit more background before asking their customers to share their account details with a partner company.

The app Qobuz Club by Circle would like permission to access your account.

To access this feature, your Qobuz login details will be shared with our partner Circle.

Do you consent to share your personal data for this purpose?

Hi Brian I havent received anything from Qobuz as yet, however there are a couple of things about it on the internet. Looks pretty much like a forum, just for Qobuz users… Links for you to have a read.


There is also a link to join on my Qobuz Account webpage, but not much info as to who Circle is? I’m assuming it will be the provider of the forum format…

Circle is the provider of the forum software that Qobuz uses, just like Discourse is for Roon.

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Thanks for the link to Circle. I’ve just taken a quick walk through their privacy policy and frankly I find it disturbing. Happy to be corrected but my quick pass through their policy seems to allow them to effectively collect virtually anything they wish from your account and use the data anyway they choose. So I won’t be joining the Qobuz Club anytime soon and I suspect that’s part of the reason Qobuz have prompted users to give their permission in the first instance and also why they haven’t explained who Circle are. Scary stuff as far as I’m concerned.

Hello. The registration process has been updated and clarified to state exactly what data is shared. Only your name and email are shared and it’s only used for Qobuz Club. This kind of data sharing is typical and necessary for many single-sign-on integrations like Google, Facebook, etc. Hope to see you all there!