Qobuz delivering MQA material?

The vast majority of Qobuz files are not MQA. I listen to Qobuz regularly and have not come across one yet in my listening. These files show up as FLAC files on Roon.

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2-L Recordings at 352 K are encoded in MQA [eg Magnificat]

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Yes. at 352K [eg Magnificat]

Anyway, they showed up as MQA being delivered by Qobuz on the iFi audio Go Bar when I was test hearing that. Did I care? NO!

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Yes the odd Qobuz track comes up as MQA. I guess its down to the agreement between the Label and significant others in the contract.

Yes MQA is a choice

Lumin authenticates. Many other Brands are available.

Some labels, like “2L” only provide Qobuz with MQA files.

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Not only some 24/44.1(48) Hi Res in Qobuz is MQA, but also MQA CD exists in Qobuz as 16/44.1 FLAC.

Best of Jerry Garcia via Qobuz

Yes, that’s an example of a 44.1/16 MQA file, and Roon will expand it to 88.2 if MQA decoding is turned on in the endpoint’s setup (under Advanced settings). If decoding is off, it will play at 44.1/16 but the source is still MQA encoded, as provided by the record label.

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Many of us are not in America and do not pay those prices. In fact, for the top tier of both I pay far less than those in the U.S pay for one service (in US$, of course).

A lot of the Grateful Dead and Garcia CDs back then were HDCD [24/44]