Qobuz doesn't work, Mistake

Qobuz cannot be loaded via Roon! (Roon runs on ROCK)?

Message: An unexpected error has occurred. Please check your user account data (UnexpectedError)

Without Roon, Qobuz can be loaded normally.

If you want Roon support to know about this, you need to start a thread in the Support section of the forum and fill out the form that is presented to you when you do.

Are you sure you’re entering the correct Qobuz id/password in Settings==>Services?


The id/password is correct!
I have a new fiber optic connection. It will probably be a problem with IPv6 and IPv4.
Qobuz probably only supports the old IPv4???
(Do never change a running System)

After deleting the Roon Remote App and reinstalling it, Qobuz can be reached again.
Thanks for the support

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