Qobuz Free Trial is not operational

That’s one way to look at it. The other way is that as an informed consumer one might know that Qobuz is in beta here in the US and as such is not available. Last week people were chiming in that Roon did not have Qobuz support. Now this week people are chiming in that Qobuz is not available on Roon even though Roon release it’s support for the service. Your issue is with Qobuz not Roon. I bet the beta testers are not complaining that the service is not available. :slight_smile:

Perhaps paying better attention would help you. I am not blaming Roon for Qobuz not being available here. I am critiquing the email communication that was sent out that had the big sign up for Qobuz link. It would probably have been more appropriate to note not available in North America. Not about the service not being available but more about Roon’s lack of disclaimer. Some of us have busy lives with work and families and do not spend hours and hours on these forums. Being “informed” should not require that. I just don’t think sending out information about one of the top features being Qobuz support (in Beta) was that helpful to most North American customers. As of now Qobuz is still vaporware for all US users except for the Beta testers.

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See my posting above.

People in Europe and the rest of the world are disappointed quite often by US companies promising nice new features and products but forget the world is bigger that the US of A. Apple is a great (or. Or so great) example. Qobuz is great. Tidal is already there. Enjoy what you have.

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On top of that one could easily make the case that sending an email announcing integration and offering a link to sign up is actively misinforming certain customers. As you stated a simple disclaimer would have been fine.

Brian has made a statement and held Roon’s hand-up, time to move on guys, life’s to short.

While I am not pleased by the original email, I have a difficult time with the notion that it was “actively misinforming certain customers”, including me. Roon made a mistake and has acknowledged it as such.

Yep, I was disappointed when I tried to access the signup link, but I got over it. I have experience with the semi-science of unintended consequences.

This is what I thought too. I thought there was an open beta trial for Roon users. Took me like half a day yesterday to figure out that is not the case.

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My point is that you can’t be an “informed consumer” if you receive conflicting information. Prior to the email i wasn’t aware signups for the US were available. The email implied differently. It was literally bad information. I was miffed about it for 30 seconds and got over it. Roon acknowledged the mistake and i’m good with that. My point is more to those saying well you should have known better when there is an email with a big signup link in the middle of it.


Agreed. I thought so, too. But it didn’t take me long to figure out a universal email did not apply to me or those of us stuck here in the US.:smiley:

Stuck in the US??? Sure seems a lot of people from other places want to get stuck here.

Please, Robert. Didn’t you see the emoji? Do you understand humor? Irony?

In today’s environment, you don’t know what to take literally. Some people actually feel that way. To them, a one-way ticket is best.

Hello there! That is correct, Qobuz is in a beta trial in the US and you need to be one of the beta testers to try Qobuz on Roon for free for 1 month. The waiting list is here: http://on.qobuz.com/RH.
Have a nice day.
The Qobuz Team.