Qobuz Grand Selection

What happened to Grand Selection? My Roon shows Press Awards and Top Albums. No Grand Selection. My Qobuz app shows Grand Selection. Anyone else have this problem?

Fine for me in UK

try a reboot.

This just happened for me, no New Releases only Press Awards! I have seen this in a thread from 2023 but it has never happened to me until now. Major problem for me! Listening to new releases is key for me!

No Grand Selection here as well (East Coast USA). Only Press Awards and Top albums on Qobuz. I also don’t see a Grand Selection list on the Qobuz app, though there are other categories not shown on Roon.

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Local outage perhaps for us all fine here in the UK. Must be your network.

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On the Qobuz web player and desktop app home page, I see New Releases on top. Tap on “See all new releases”, then it opens Qobuz Grand Selection. However it is all messed up. It’s supposed be new releases but the list is filled with albums that are months old.

On Roon, I select Qobuz and it shows Qobuz Grand Selection under the New Releases tab, but with the same months old albums as using Qobuz directly.

I think those are just higher res albums added to the catalogue as new stuff of which there is generally little last week before Christmas show after those.

Then looking further I think those are some of their top Qobuzzimes of the year according to the phone app. Nothing to do with Roon.

Fine here, also in the UK.

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Still missing 8 hours later

It’s back for me.

But look at the album release dates in the Qobuz grand selection. They are not new releases at all.

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I think the problem is Qobuz end. Looking through their app it’s really sticky in some sections seem to have lots of repeated albums through out and the new releases bit today seems more mixed up than it did yesterday. Roon for me shows me exactly same as what is in their App.

Same problem here in Austin, TX, USA, Earth.
Qobuz >> Qobuz Grand Selections >> New Releases has randomly ordered releases from 2024. There’s no sort button on the page, but it’s normally not needed as the Grand Selections are automatically sorted by most recent date first.

Every Friday, I check this page to explore new releases and add albums to my library to explore during the week. Now it’s a mess.


It’s back again this morning. Typical Roon quirk. It’s probably not Roon’s problem, but Qobuz. No big deal, I was just surprised to find it missing. I thought it would probably come back eventually.

I did notice the sorting is now non-existent. It seems Grand Selection used to be sorted by release date. Now it doesn’t seem to have any sort order.

Same on their own app so they must be experiencing some issues.

In the meantime, you can check new releases at sites such as AllMusic. Qobuz should have everything except on labels they haven’t licensed.

Today, Roon’s “New releases for you” on the home page has latest releases from Qobuz. However, Qobuz’s own New Releases and Qobuz Grand Selection lists are still broken.

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Today, Qobuz Grand Selections doesn’t show at all atop Qobuz New Releases. All I see is Press Awards and Top Albums in Qobuz.
Between this, ARC failures connecting to my Roon server and issues loading my library requiring restoring backups my satisfaction as a Lifetime subscriber have never been lower.
I absolutely love Roon when it works right, but IMHO leadership needs to wake up and prioritize stability and reliability higher vs. “the next shiny thing”.

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I noticed that Qobuz New Releases and Grand Selection will show up if you have some genres selected. Those two sections disappear if all genres are selected (or no genres selected, which is equivalent). However, something is broken on the Qobuz side. The albums listed are not actually new releases, but an assortment from the past year. This happens in the Qobuz native app and web player as well.

To see new releases, try “New releases for you” on the Roon home page.

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It seems to be broken on the Qobuz side. How is this Roon’s fault?

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