Qobuz maintenance - March 13th

I just received a notice from Qobuz stating they have upcoming maintenance. I do not know if this will impact Roon’s Qobuz integration. Here’s the text of the email I received.

We would like to inform you that a technical maintenance period will take place on March 13th at 6am Central European Time. Our servers will be unavailable for a period of 30 minutes, which will inhibit access to both the Qobuz website and apps.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

(I don’t think anyone else already posted about this. If they did, my search skills are poor. :upside_down_face:)



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I had the same feeling. Hope we’re both wrong :slight_smile:

In a vain attempt to add a modicum of value, I guess we could add this to aid translation of 6 am Central European Time, which may well still be March 12 for some folks.

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I got this message too.

An outage of a service like Qobuz will always annoy some users. I‘m sure they did chose the time based on access logs. 6 AM CET they got very likely the least amount of users listening to music.


It might just be your location, I’m in the UK and have not had a message like this.

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Since they are using Amazon I can imagine they look for a different content delivery network. Amazon decided to charge 0.5 cents for the usage of an IPv4 IP address per hour. That can become very expensive very quickly.

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Dear user,

We would like to inform you that a technical maintenance period will take place on March 13th at 6am Central European Time. Our servers will be unavailable for a period of 30 minutes, which will inhibit access to both the Qobuz website and apps.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions.
The Qobuz Team

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math is not my strong suit, but…

10pm Pacific
Midnight Central
1am Eastern

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No Qobuz at the time. They are now in the maintenance window.

This page comes still from Amazon. Maybe my speculation was wrong.

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They swapped out a normal patch cable for a high end audio ethernet cable :wink:


That a 30 minute outage for maintenance should elicit comments - wow?


BFD. It’s 30 minutes in total!