Qobuz playlist in My Library

When I save a local copy of a Qobuz playlist, available in My Qobuz

I get 2 playlists in Playlist view, 1 with & 1 without Qobuz symbol

If I click on the top one (without Qobuz symbol), it is clear that this is my local copy, as I can edit it. This means that I can change whatever in this palylist, without affecting the Qobuz playlist. It also means that Qobuz changes will not be reflected here, i.e. songs could disappear overtime.

If I (after having renamed my local copy to e.g. Folk Newcomers- local20231103) delete it

the Qobuz version of this playlist remains in My Library.

Now my questions:

  1. will changes by Qobuz in this playlist be taken into account automatically or not.
    (with ‘Qobuz’ albums, changes are not taken into account).

  2. if this playlist is deleted by Qobuz on its Qobuz platform, will the this Qobuz playlist in my library be visible but unavailable?

What I am trying to figure out what is the purpose/value of having not only a local copy, but also the Qobuz version of a playlist in My Library?