Qobuz playlists question and Daily Mixes inconsistent translation

I like the new look and layout of the side panel but the playlist arrow should behave as expand-collapse button instead. As you’re redesigning the side panel it might a good time to look into a way of having the user sort the items manually as an added functionality?

The my playlist page is’t that clear. The Qobuz playlists are not immediately visible. Daily mixes are sometimes translated into Dutch but sometimes not

Perhaps the page layout should follow that of the tags page with bigger artwork?

Hi, @stevev1, thank you for your report.

Your library Qobuz playlists are in the Qobuz folder (Qobuz badge in your screenshot), it’s a product decision to keep them there, or are not you seeing your Qobuz playlists even if you navigate to it?

By any chance do you recall when these were created? Is there a possibility that you were using a different Roon remote which does not use Dutch localisation?



No idea but I did change to a new macbook pro M3 but all early access builds apps were updated on the old machina as well

Thank you for the response, am I getting it right that all of you remotes are using the Dutch localisation?


Indeed. I always change the language to Dutch on all remotes

Hm, interesting. I mean there were no changes around daily mixes naming when saving it to the local library. However, we’ll try to investigation this, could you, please, answer the following questions. How long ago did you save these to your library? Are you sure that the naming was 100% consistent before the latest update?



I hardly use playlists so can’t be sure if it was there before. I landed on this page trying to close the playlists in the sidebar by clicking on the what I thought to be a close button :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I noticed the inconsistency.