Qobuz Studio Family user link to Roon user profile

How can I link my Roon profiles to the respective Qobuz users when I have a Qobuz Studio Family subscription and use Roon, where Qobuz is one of the music streaming services

In Roon, I have created multiple user profiles, but there’s only one login for Qobuz. Currently, only one of the family users gets their music displayed in Roon, regardless of which profile I choose in Roon.

Is it possible to solve this so that each Roon profile is linked to the corresponding Qobuz users?

In short, you cannot :pensive:

You can only use one Qobuz (or Tidal) account within Roon.

You can vote here for it :arrow_down:

@Menzies Thanks for reply!

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Voting is unlikely to help something that the services don’t offer via the APIs. Family accounts are not available to 3rd parties. Even if they did it would require a fundamental change to how Roon manages its library, can’t see that happening easily. But vote away.

With Sonos I believe you can, but that’s a Sonos thing :+1:

Not handled the same at all. Think about how Sonos works, then think of how Roon works. Very different beasts and it’s not working in the same way at all.