Qobuz Tracks not available on Roon

Why is it that certain tracks show as “unavailable” on Roon? They are available to play on the Qobuz app on my iPad and phone so I know they are not unavailable due to contract issues.

Re-starts of my core and Qobuz don’t solve it. Looks like a Roon issue.

They could be new (check the release date) and Roon can take a day or two to get the database update. Sometimes it also happens that an album is announced on Qobuz, but not yet actually released, and seems to play there, but the tracks actually are truncated to 30 seconds or so, in which case they also show as unavailable in Roon.

If the albums are already in your library, then the version you have in your library may have been pulled by Qobuz and replaced with a new one. Roon can’t (at least not always) auto-match the equivalent new one. You can look in the Versions tab of Roon to check if the other one is there. Or search again. (Note that unfortunately Roon won’t transfer any local metadata edits to the new version)

Checking the versions tab let me solve the issue. Thanks!

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