Roon has said recently that this is a “work in progress” and that seems to be the case. Roon, as far as I can tell, has not deviated from that position. Why should Roon be posting over and over that it is a “work in progress”??
I would never rely on any support personnel to know what is really going on behind the scenes. Support people often complain that they are mushrooms. I’ll let you figure out why.
I comment on topics on which I have something to say.
Chinese whispers and possible confusion on the question by Qobuz support at play here.
Qobuz are now analysing their catalogue and this information is filtering down to the Roon servers as part of the on boarding process.
Also Roon are definitely working on using this additional data to provide digital attenuation when Volume Leveling is enabled.
It’s on the roadmap, it’s work in progress… When will it be available to us, pass? However, I’m sure Roon will post once they have something definitive to say.
One more time. These statements are from people at Qobuz. At least one person is a product manger so these statements are definitive. We don’t need Roon to somehow validate the statements. Although that would seem to placate some people here.
The statements from the Qobuz reps include:
“Nope all the volume leveling info for our catalog should be delivered to Roon by beginning of next month. And all new releases going forward have it.”
“That is correct, this data is only being sent to Roon.”
“This will be added after on Qobuz Application, and will be available on the API.”
Note that the last quote was provided by a second Qobuz rep…David Craff. He is Qobuz Product Manager for Desktop, Web Player and Search Engine. He might just know of what he speaks!!
I’ve confirmed that new releases (the few I checked) do in fact have volume leveling data in Roon. It’s too bad Qobuz support isn’t on the same page. I replied to the response I received and included the AL link…
Well there you go! This isn’t really a problem we have to worry about anymore. Qobuz is doing what needs to be done and it sounds like all albums will have R128 data before the end of the year.
Hey everyone – we were not ignoring this request, and we actually spent a bunch of time getting this right with Qobuz before we released our integration in Roon 1.6.
In order for volume leveling to work in Roon, Qobuz needs to analyze each file in their service and provide the leveling data to us. This is a big project, and we know that Qobuz has been working on processing their music catalog over the last year.
After seeing this feedback recently, we did some investigation to get a sense of how much of the Qobuz catalog includes volume leveling data. And… we found a bug
So, as of yesterday we have a fix live on our servers and volume leveling data should again be used in Roon when it’s available.
Note that it may take some time for these changes to filter down to content that’s already in your library – you can always select “Re-Identify Album” from the Edit menu to retrieve updated metadata from our servers, but this will happen automatically for your library over the next few days.
If you see tracks outside your library that do not include volume leveling data, it means that Qobuz has not provided us leveling data for that track. As mentioned, they are working through their catalog and you can feel free to reach out to them directly for updates about their progress.