Queue management - a 'Remove' button and moving multiple items up and down the queue

Hi Roon

If I am viewing a playlist a select a track, there is a nice big ‘Remove’ button (see top right below):

When we select a track (or multiple) in the queue, can we similarly have the same big ‘Remove’ button to remove a track (or multiple), in one click?

Also, if I select multiple items in the queue, can we move these multiple items up or down the queue at the same time, instead of one by one?

As always, keep up the fantastic work and many thanks in advance :slight_smile:


That’s interesting - on a Windows device, I don’t see that nice big ‘Remove’ button even when only a single track in the queue is selected… Anyone else?

Hey Geoff, that is because the first option is a playlist. He is asking for the playlist functionality in queue. Although, if I click on the black section on a track line in the queue, I get a drop down that says Remove / Play from Here.

Aha - thanks for the clarification. Sometimes I think this UI is getting a little too clever for its own good. I tend to always do things the same way, and trying something different usually produces a surprise…

So is there a way to remove an item or items from the queue?

From a keyboard I can remove items quickly, using “delete”.

But from an iPad/touchscreen, it’s currently 2 steps.

Whereas with a playlist , you can see a “remove” button top right (see above) which is 1 step less.

There’s bigger fish to fry for the Roon Team I’m sure but it’s a small and minor inconsistency.

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