Rachel Podger's Vivaldi "La Cetra"

All tracks of this double SACD are listed as parts of a single “Composition” (work) :grimacing:

Hi Paolo,

This is a tricky one. The metadata we receive are indeed for La Cetra as a 36-part composition:

In this case, I would tend to agree with you that this “composition” is really 12 concertos of three movements each. But there are other cases – smaller “meta-works” (e.g. Vivaldi’s Four Seasons) – where it’s more ambiguous. The problem is that works of this nature really need to be considered hierarchically, something that we’ve discussed internally.

Until we figure out a first class solution to this problem, if you feel strongly enough, I would suggest the use of WORK and PART file tags to define the composition/part structure as you wish.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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hi joel

these are indeed 12 concertos consisting, each, of three movements (parts) :roll_eyes: and grouped under the same “title”: “La Cetra”, Opus 9
same as it is for “La Stravaganza” or “L’Estro Armonico” (The Four Seasons are 4 out of 12 concertos from “Il Cimento dell’Armonia e dell’Invenzione”)

ok: in the while will fix it myself :grimacing:

thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

@joel … forgive me: edited my files adding movement/part data and told Roon to Re-Scan the album
now… where do I tell Roon to use those data instead of defaults? :neutral_face:

thank you once more

wait… found this:

though… data is there :neutral_face:

hi, @pl_svn, could you please share one of those files from that album with us? I will contact you via PM with more details.



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ok, so… exchanged some emails, yesterday, with Yate’s developer and finally managed to set “Work” and “Part” tags the way Roon expects those to be :roll_eyes:

all looks fine, now, but… the last (12th) concert which now has data from… God only knows! :neutral_face:

these are those concert’s Work and Part tags:

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