Rachmaninov cannot be the artist

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Rachmaninov is shown as being one of the album artists, this is wrong.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

But on Qobuz this error is not shown.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Rachmaninov is in roon shown to be one of the artists. This is wrong. He is the composer.

I see this error only in roon. Not on Qobuz and not in allmusic.

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Have a look at many record labels, this is a common issue. In the bad old days of MP3 there wasn’t a composer Tag so the record label made Album Artist = “guy playing”, Artist = Composer

It is absolutely widespread, wrong but widespread. DG, Decca, Philips etc are some of the worst offenders.

Roon simply picks up the metadata from a third party (in this case the streaming service) who are in turn suppled by the record label

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