Radio with tracks and album art?

I just tried some Internet radio station:

And I was wondering whether there are radio stations Roon integrates better with: I think showing Title/Composer/Artist of the current track would be lovely and some ALbum are would really rock!

Does anybody know of a radio station with such an integration level?

Yes. There are a number that show track info. Classic FM in the UK is one such station as is Gold Radio also in the UK.

However, there are also quite a few that don’t.

Cool. Thanks a lot.

I have a hard time though finding them in Roon.

So I tried for Classic FM to find the Radio URL, but when I add Classic FM - Listen Live on Global Player manually to Roon as a Radio URL, it says “Roon could not find a Radio Station at this URL”.

Does anybody know the URLs to add to Roon for the Radio Stations Classic FM or Gold Radio?

Search for ‘Classic FM London’

And ‘Gold UK’

Both radio stations have already been added.

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