Rai Radio 3 mp3

Why Rai Radio 3 is only mp3 128? With Audirvana I can choosing Aaa 44,1

I add a 320 mp3 stream. It is the only one I could find in my search.

Do you have a URL for the stream you would like added?

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Thank you very much.
I haven’t got url.
Into Audirvana there is also aac 44100 Hz 320 kb

I’m away from home at present but I’ll ‘inspect’ the site tomorrow. That might work.

Ok, good news and bad news.

  • I found a 256k aac stream.

  • But, Roon has a bug (already reported) which means it is playing 4 hrs behind.

So I won’t add that.

Edit.: I’ll report it again though.

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Thank you so much

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