Rapper Hittman (Dr. Dre) doubled as Hitman on TiVo and several other Hittmans

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Hitman with one T is from Tivo, has no image, a birth place but no date, and a death place and date

The Hittman on Dr. Dre’s 2001 album does not seem to be dead according to Wikipedia and his name is an acronym for Highly Intense Tongue Talents Make All Nervous so should have two Ts

The credited Hittman with two Ts is from Wikipedia, with image, a birth place and date, no death info because apparently he is not dead:

At least not died in 2002 as TiVo says as he spoke in 2014:

There are two other Hittmans with two Ts credited, without any bio and a discography of only this album, for both it looks like this, see the track #5 credits:

Looking for the artist Hittman, there are several more. One marked in red here are the 2 spurious ones on the Dre album, as above. The ones marked in orange are the same guy on other albums:


The left of the orange Hittmans (he has no bio and has the wrong genres. Interestingly, this one can’t be merged with the real Hittman artist even after adding these albums to the library:

The right orange Hittman, I think that’s the same guy again but the album is not on Wiki or Discogs:

On the “More” page there is yet another one credited on a single. Might be the same one but the single is not listed on Wiki or Discogs

It is indeed a mess. I’ve reached out to TiVo regarding the duplicates.


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