Rasberry Pi 3 B+/Hifiberry Digi+/Modi DAC recognized as Roon Bridge, but not selectable in Audio tab

So seems like a common issue on the board: Roon recognizes my Ropieee setup as a bridge, but I can’t see/select it in the Audio tab. So far I’ve reflashed & reloaded ropieee 4-5 times, rebooted my ROCK, rebooted my internet. Looks like this is a common issue, what am I screwing up?


Reflashing RoPieee is not necessary: the unit looks fine, looking at the logs.

However, you send me a feedback relatively quickly after a reboot; it would be great if you can send me feedback of the unit running a little bit longer.

This is also because I’m not convinced RoonBridge properly finished it’s initial setup state.


Awesome, will do. 6 hours or so enough?

Really appreciate your time,


FWIW I’ve also reinstalled roon bridge a number of times.

Yeah, but that’s what I mean: no need. Everything (including Roon Bridge) is fine.

But… I might be on to something as I see another user struggling with a Dig+. And I’ve found an online report about a bug in the current 6.1 kernel. So I’m investigating if this could be your issue.

Ah, roger that. Here’s a log from just now, so 19 hours of runtime.


It looks like the device is not properly (fully) initialised.
So in essence, RoonBridge does not see an audio device, hence it won’t show up in Roon.

So the only thing I can think of right now that ‘something’ is not ok with the HAT: maybe it’s not properly connected (I’ve seen that on multiple occassions), maybe it’s hardware failure.


Ok that makes sense, I’ll pull it apart & reassemble, if that doesn’t work I’ll look at new HATs.

Thanks for your time & expertise!


I’m at a dead end here. Couldn’t make the last HAT work so I bought a new HAT (this time a DAC2, mounted it on a Rasberry Pi 4, installation went great), same issue: ROON recognizes it as a ROON bridge, but not as an audio source. I’ve tried everything, even reinstalling ROCK software on my NUC. No network issues to speak of. How can I make ROON recognize my endpoints?


Audio is there, so that’s ok.

But I see continuous keepalive timeouts between the endpoint and your Roon server.
So I suspect this is somehow network related.

Is it possible for you to test it wired instead of wireless? Just to make sure it’s not a wifi issue?


I’ll do that as soon as I get home (currently on a work trip)!

thank you

Made it home and connected the endpoint via LAN - voila! Unfortunately I don’t have LAN anywhere in my house other than this room. I think the issue may be my the way my router is assigning IP addresses to LAN and wifi devices. For LAN it is 192.168.1.XXX, whereas for wifi it is 192.168.86.XXX. If I could get everything on 192.168.1.XXX, it should work, correct?

Yes. Roon requires everything to be on the same subnet so getting everything to 192.168.1.xxx should resolve the issue.

Ok I figured it out - this was 100% my fault - I had installed a Google Nest mesh system a few months ago, everything went through the Nest either via WIFI or a switch. For some reason I moved my ROCK back to the router a few weeks ago and didn’t realize it would put it on a diff. subnet. Everything is back on the same network now and Ropieee is working perfectly on all three endpoints. Thanks for the help, everybody!

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