Recent Listening

Similar to how “What you’ve been listening to”, it’d be nice to have a drop down for selecting last 4 weeks, last month, last year, and all time (probably easier to break this out into a whole music history browsing experience). I know a lot of folks have been hating on this, but I personally really enjoy this addition. I do scrobble to, but if this enables me to browse what I listened too (esp whenever I do radio, which, to be honest, isn’t often), OR just to enable a “Roon Unwrapped” similar to Spotify Unwrapped. Just a thought. I know the easy answer is … use True, but it’s nice to do it in the music software bc as I am browsing/interacting with the music, I may have that…OH YEAH I really enjoyed album X or artist Y that I just discovered March 2020, let’s listen to them again.

Thank you for the consideration! :slight_smile:

I agree. I’d love to see this feature expanded.