Recently lost access to Roon Arc

Hi there.

So, as stated in the title, I can no longer access ARC.

I get this message -

“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true,“error”:“doaction request return statuscode: UnknownError”}

My Roon core is on an old MAC mini. My internet is provided by TALK TALK UK. My router is is Wifi Hub - Device Ver.: FAST 5464-2.T4.

Any help would be much appreciated as I’m not overly tech savvy. I have logged into my Talk Talk account but not much made sense so I haven’t tried anything like manual ip address (as I didn’t know how to do that.)



Moved the thread from ARC discussion to ARC: Port Forwarding Help

It may just be a temporary issue with UPnP on the router. Restarting the router or turning off UPnP on the router and turning it on again may help.


Hi there. Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried both and nothing has changed.

I suppose I want to try the manual forwarding that Roon recommends but having logged into my Talk Talk hub settings nothing makes sense and I can’t find where to start.

I can’t find a manual for this, do you have a link?

Here you go -

Thanks. On page 29 it explains the port forwarding, which seems straightforward enough.

First, go to Roon > Settings > Roon ARC. Make a note of the IP address and the port number it is trying to use (in my below screenshot it is working and so there is no error message, but the info about the Roon server IP and the port should be similar):

Then let’s try the Method 2 from the TalkTalk manual, page 29:

So follow this path in the TalkTalk admin website until you get to Add rules manually.

Make sure UPnP is off here and click Apply:

then on the next page 30 of the manual, set up the rule like this, entering the info that you found in Roon > Settings > Roon ARC:

Then go to the status page as per page 31 of the manual and you should see the new Roon ARC rule like this (make sure that it is enabled)

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Great. Thanks. I’m giving that a try now but I need to clarify what I’m putting in to the rule.

Customer Service name - Roon ARC
Service - select OTHER
Protocol - select TCP
External Host - Is that a star?
External Port - 55002 (that’w what my Roon is showing)?
Internal Port - 55002 (that’w what my Roon is showing)?
Internal host - My Roon Core IP? which for me is


Amazing. That has worked. Thanks so much. :grinning:

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Too fast for me :wink: Enjoy

The star means „all“

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Thanks again. Roon ARC is all synced and ready to go.


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