Recommend some obscure artists you know

Great tip, I’m a progger and I’m listening now. Let me throw my prog recommendation, from the Seattle area: What Strange Beasts, great singing, super tasty keyboards.

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Don’t get more obscure (or better) than this . A Canterbury (Lol Coxhil / Caravan, Soft Machine era etc) based band released one album then went their own ways.

Was a RAVE on the Jon Peel show in 1971

I had it for my 21st Birthday !! Still gets “monthly play”

Its in Tidal


Like a cross between the first BeeGees album cover and late Bee Gees hair.

Maybe too obscure:
Red Beans and Rice - Staples

or Here And Now which is a newer album? the only one available on Tidal.

If you like Pentagram, have you heard Medusa? Very similar vibes, but maybe a little tinge more psych.

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Smooth Motion - Bandcamp
Dead Myth - Bandcamp
Al-Qasar - Bandcamp
Planet of the 8’s - Bandcamp

I could go on and on…

My Bandcamp Profile

On the river in Namur, mentioned to the Captain (a big Prog fan) about this

It’s on, he loves it…

Minimal Compact (check them out, man!), Roxy, Oldfield… he says

I’m going to dive into the river :open_mouth::slightly_frowning_face:

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Blimey, the opening track sounds like the inspiration for dozens of more recent stuff

It’d be interesting to know who cites them

Hey @Jason_Matousek,

Yes! Medusa are super interesting. Haven’t played it in a while, thanks for the reminder.

Mono the single release trip hop duo not the Japanese post rock outfit.


They were very progressive at the time , Carole Grimes is still alive and performing in Brentwood in Essex , ironically where I lived for 10 years.

When I posted that , I proceeded to bop to it while painting the garage door :rofl:

If you like Mamou, try Mama Rosin. From Switzerland, believe it or not!

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How to find this band ? not existing on Tidal

Qobuzz has them. Spotify has them. Not sure about Apple or Pandora, but they aren’t impossible to find.

YouTube has everything. That’s where I go.


Ödland** is a French band from [Lyon] consisting of composer-songwriter Lorenzo Papace and sisters Alizée Bingöllü (on vocals) and Léa Bingöllü (on violin).

The band draws its inspirations from 19th century music and European folklore. Ödland has a contemporary, acoustic, and poetic sound, enriched by a visual universe of videos and photography all produced by the members of the band themselves, particularly Lorenzo.

I have been following their exploits since 2011 and always look forward to what comes next.
I will warn you that the the land that this band inhabit is indeed odd :smiley:

Youtube link


Very nice! I never heard of them, but this reminds me of Spock’s Beard.

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My Qobuz account name is Obscurist (I use that on many more websites), so you could say that obscure bands/artists are my thing. My list of recommendations would be endless, but not having all the time in the world, let’s do a short but eclectic ‘off the top of my head’ collection of must-hear albums for the adventurous listener. All available on Qobuz and Tidal, and in random order:

The Legendary Pink Dots - The Maria Dimension
Benjamin Lew & Steven Brown - A Propos D’un Paysage
Jacco Gardner - Somnium
Ana Da Silva & Phew - Island
Deux Filles - Silence & Wisdom
Musée Mécanique - Hold This Ghost
Man - Helping Hand
Bed - The Newton Plum
The White Birch - The Weight Of Spring
Iman Califato Independiente - Camino Del Águila
Roger Bunn - Piece Of Mind
Tunng - Songs You Make At Night
Giovanni di Domenico, Arve Henriksen, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto - Distare Sonanti
Alex Albrecht - Resolve
Steve Tibbetts - Safe Journey
Julien Neto - Le Fumeur de Ciel
Dictaphone - Poems From A Rooftop
Morgul - Sketch Of Supposed Murderer
FFF - Free For Fever
Nonkeen - Oddments Of The Gamble
Sebastian Plano - Verve
Neil Cowley - Hall Of Mirrors
Keith Freund - Constant Comments (actually, this one’s not on Tidal, but I love it so much that I had to include it…)

As I said, the list would be endless, but let’s keep it at this for now. There’s enough obscure sh*t for y’all to dive into for the next couple of weeks. Enjoy!