RED SODA Confused!

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Issues with multiple Red Sodas.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Correct Red Soda, with wrong EP (X through it)

Wrong red soda with the missing albums that should be in the other Red Soda.

The EP from the top Red Soda belongs with the bottom red soda, and the three albums circled in the bottom red soda need to be in the top Red Soda

Hey @Rugby.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As always, we appreciate the heads up here. We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected in our metadata and see what we can do.

Hello again @Rugby,

We’ve investigated your report and discovered that RED SODA lacks enough rich metadata to properly disambiguate the artist entities. An additional complication is that Rovi/Musicbrainz only have one artist entry for RED SODA, which is a compounding factor on top of the error found at the streaming services.

Cool. Thanks for the effort. I’ll just separate them in my library manually.

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