Reinstalled Production Roon on Synology NAS, but still reports as Early Access

Here’s where it says it’s on early access

Here’s what it shows in package manager in DSM

How do I get this to actually be the production build?

Hi I’ll tag @crieke to see if he can help.

  1. Uninstall the old version of the package, reboot the NAS and check if no more Roon Server instance is running on it.
  2. Grab the current installer, either app store if it’s still in there or directly from the web page:
  3. Install the new version, follow the wizard and choose the same directories as before.
  4. Reboot the NAS to check and see if all is well and Roon Server starts correctly.
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Turns out it wasn’t that important. I migrated my library over to a different computer in my homelab and it was actually pretty simple. I thought there might be problems migrating an early access backup to a non early access one.

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