Reluctantly abandoning Roon ARC - iPhone

Today I’ve reluctantly abandoned using Roon Arc on iPhone at the office in favour of the Tidal app. I don’t want to do this but Roon Arc is just not functional or performant enough yet. The reasons are below:

  1. I was using Roon Arc + Fiio KA1 portable DAC on the iPhone 14 Pro (streaming over Wifi). The battery would drain so fast and the device got so hot that the iPhone shut itself down on occasion. If I had continued it would have significantly cut short the lifespan of the iPhone battery.

  2. I thought I’d fix this by buying a Fiio Q11 with its own battery. It stopped the heat problem (though the iPhone still gets warm) but the battery drain was still crazy. 30% in 1 hour. I moved to the Tidal app and the battery drain is much slower.

  3. I thought ok, i’ll just use Roon Arc for Windows. Then remembered that doesn’t exist.

So I am now using the native Tidal app and losing all the cool Roon Arc stuff which is a shame. I hope to go back some day but at the moment Arc is just killing the lifespan of my iPhone battery and leaving my phone dead by lunchtime.


What about a charger at the office?

The DAC is using the lightning port and trying to charge on a mag charger whist battery drain is so aggressive causes the phone to overheat, it’s also a great way to kill the battery life even faster.