Remote Playback over Internet

Danny Dulai (Roon Labs) 6 years ago wrote:
“It is on our roadmap to make it so you can use it from afar, especially on your phone! but that is not available now and I have no schedule to share with you. Probably next year. Yes, it will be a free update.”

6 Years later I still don’t find the Remote Playback feature…
Is it so difficult to add this crucial feature to Roon?

Yes it likely is and keep the whole Roon experience as it is.

Absolutely. For example, what does mobile mean to you? For me, it does NOT mean accessing my music at home while remote.

Roon 2.0 or Roon 2 Go has been on the table for years. It would be a fantastic update, but it’s complicated.

Why can Plex get it right since several years ago. Over lte or WiFi. Does it all come down to Roon’s bit perfect architecture? As far as I know Plex can stream my flacs without any compression. And obviously the streams from Tidal and Qubuz are happening “remotely” before reaching my speakers.

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If they use the cloud to do this then that brings with it a whole load of copyright stuff.

I think it comes down to being more complex than originally expected. I was at a product presentation that Roon was at in 2016, and it sounded like it ((Roon 2 go)) was being planned for near future use.

You can plan the plan, but…?

“I love it when a plan comes together” Hannibal Smith