Removed Artist and albums in Qobuz remain in Roon

So, I’m not one to usually remove items from my collection, but I was doing some discovery, and at the same time realized I had been over zealous on adding some artists and albums to my collection that I would never really listen to. So, I went to the Qobuz app, sorted through and UN-favorited a hundred or so artists. When I went back to Roon and did a force sync in my Qobuz account section, the Artists and albums are remaining. I even went to the Library section and did a manual clean-up. I logged in and out of Qobuz within Roon and even Disabled and then re-enabled Qobuz within Roon.

Am I missing something basic here?

So, is this setup like the new releases from Qobuz on Fridays, where you have to wait for the Roon side of the catalog sync? Some time after midnight, it actually did the database refresh and appears to have removed the Artists and Albums.

I say appears, as I have not gone through and confirmed all of the Artists. At first glance, it did remove a few that I specifically remembered, but it also left a few that I had removed from the Qobuz side.

Seems strange that this is not more instantaneous, especially if you do a manual sync. Is this at all tied to the time you have your Backups set to run? I understand that it could be due to a song being in a playlist, but these Artists are outliers that are not in my mainstream listening, and I don’t have random playlists, just ones that fit the styles of music I would want in a compilation. I’m just trying to figure out the delay.

In Roon, artists are added to the library if you have an album in the library where they are credited as primary artist. I.e., the favoriting of artists as such in Qobuz is not represented in Roon at all, and therefore unfavoriting artists has no effect, either.

Favoriting/unfavoriting albums should normally have a quite immediate effect, though, at least when making normal numbers of changes.

Sorry, should have selected my wording more carefully. Yes, when I was in the Qobuz App, I was in the Albums section to de-select previously favorite albums. Not just the Artist. For the majority of the selections, there was just one album per Artist, so that’s why I was removing them and also expecting the Artist to be removed from Roon too.

I see. Yeah, I’d you have no albums in the library where the artist is credited as a primary artist (or a small number of other roles, I think), then the artist should disappear from Roon.

It would probably help if you could post screenshots of the discography of such an artist