Currently, in Roon → Settings → ARC, if ARC connectivity is not established, then a diagnostic text is displayed to help identify the fault.
Unfortunately, as soon as Roon Server establishes connectivity over either ipv4 or ipv6, the diagnostic text goes away.
Consequently, when I have ipv4 connectivity working, I can not tell whether my ipv6 connectivity is working correctly (correct ipv6 firewall pinholes) unless I first disable ipv4 connectivity (by removing the port forwarding rule) and similarly, I can’t establish that ipv4 connectivity is working if ipv6 connectivity is working.
Would it be possible to report ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity seperately with ipv6 disgnostics only showing if a public ipv6 ip address has been allocated to the Roon Server?
In this way, assuming ipv6 was supported by the ISP and configured on the local network and uPnP was not enabled, on setting up a server, I would see both a ipv4 diagnostic and a separate ipv6 diagnostic.
If I then successfully setup ipv4 connectivity using either a manual port forward rule, then only the ipv6 diagnostic would remain.
Alternatively, if I first setup the ipv6 firewall to allow Roon ARC connectivity, only the ipv4 connectivity diagnostic would remain.
Only when both ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity were established would no diagnostic text be displayed.
If ipv6 was not enabled on the network, I would expect only the ipv4 diagnostic to be displayed exactly as it is currently.