Repurpose rock

Moved to new Nucleus and want to repurpose old NUC Rock to a friend new to Roon (he loves it BTW).

  1. Backed up his server from a Mac to a USB drive.
  2. Insert the USB drive into the Rock - not sure how to get it to find/boot from backup (the Rock still thinks it is me)
  3. All his music is on another terabyte USB.
  4. Turned the server off on the Mac.
  5. Need to restore the backup, then connect to the ‘new’ core.
  6. According to instructions I can turn on the Rock, log out of my account, then I should be able to do a restore from the bottom of the screen?
  7. Then redo ‘pinhole’ from Rock to router for RoonARC?

Martin Booker

You can reset your Roon database from the admin page

In case you set up a static IP on the ROCK (probably not) set it back to DHCP too.

For transferring your friend’s Roon database to the ROCK, follow the guide:

So the ‘missing step’ is to make a brand new RoonOS on the old Rock and not use the up to date one already there?

Martin Booker

No, no need to. Not sure where you got that from what I wrote? I’d reset the old database but you probably don’t even have to because you are going to restore your friend’s database anyway, if I understood correctly

Sorry, being dense today. Nothing you wrote. The ‘Migrating to ROCK’ and ‘ROCK Install Guide’ you reference both start with a ‘virgin’ OS install.

I am confused by who owns what. The OS on the old Rock belongs or is linked to my account? The backup is my friend’s account. There are instructions to use a keyboard and F10 to load the OS but not specifically just his backup?

Thanks for helping me through this,
Martin Booker

Yeah because that’s the more common thing.

No, just the Roon database, and this will be replaced by restoring from your friend’s backup.

That’s for installing ROCK which you don’t have to do

Fog is lifting…

On my way over to his house to set things up. Thanks again for your weekend time to help me and a new Roon user!!

Martin Booker

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Good luck and enjoy, the both of you :slight_smile:

The database is owned by your account. I am not sure you can restore your friends database while logged in as you on your database. You could reset the database, login in as him and then restore. Or, just re-install ROCK from scratch which will give you the option to restore a backup.

Probably not but I meant logging in as the friend and then restoring. (My assumption was that all of this happens in one place). Thanks for making that clear.

So what worked was to log in as him on his Mac client and use those Roon settings to get to the other USB drive with his backup. Worked fine except that the USB drive with all his music (3Tbytes) had ‘links’ on the Mac that did not translate to the Rock. But several hours later all works fine… The only other thing was to re-install Roon clients on the iPad and RoonARC to fine the new Core.

Thanks again for all the assistance, merits to you both,
Martin Booker