Request for additional radio stations


Would you please consider adding the following radio stations:

Radio Veronica Rockradio | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

Absolute Radio, 105.8 FM, London, Verenigd Koninkrijk | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

Absolute Classic Rock, Verenigd Koninkrijk | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

Absolute Radio 70s | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

Absolute 80s | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

Absolute Radio 90s | Gratis internetradio | TuneIn

many thanks in advance, cheers, Gerard

They are all there. Search (using the top right magnifying glass) for
Radio Veronica
Absolute Radio
Absolute Radio: Classic Rock
Absolute Radio: 70s
Absolute Radio: 80s
Absolute Radio: 90s

Hi Brian,

It they are already there, I must be doing something wrong as I cannot find them, see

any ideas what I’m missing? cheers, Gerard

Yes, you are using the wrong magnifying glass. Use the very top right one.

Dear @gschilderinck :

I believe your first screen shot shows the results of a filtered search instead of a global search. Please be sure to press the enter or return key on your keyboard after typing your station query in the global search field that is associated with the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner.

Attached is a short screen recording showing what happens when one initiates a filtered search followed by a global search for Radio Veronica. Pressing the return key after the global search reports “No results found” initiates a full global search, which displays the station matches.


Best regards,


Many thanks for the replies, and now I understand there’s somekind of a misunderstanding. Doing a global search provides indeed two stations of Radio Veronica, but the Veronica has an additional station, being Radio Veronica Rockradio (see here: Radio Veronica Rockradio | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn) which is different from the stations in the Roon library.

Regarding Absolute Radio also there is long list of stations, however, most refer to Tick Tock, but what looking for is Absolute Radio broadcasting from the UK (London), and these are not in the Roon library. Or am I looking in the wrong direction?

cheers, Gerard

I did a global search for “absolute radio”, and then filtered the results. Is this what you’re looking for?

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I see now, sorry for missing that. I have added Radio Veronica Rockradio for you. Please check if OK.

Yes, indeed, these are the ones I’m looking for :grinning:

but if I do a global search I’m getting this:

I can hardly imagine geo-blocking (I’m in The Netherlands) is applied to the UK Absolute radio stations, as the stations play fine in the TuneIn app. So I’m clearly doing something wrong, but what?

cheers, Gerard

yep, got it… :+1: :+1: :+1:

There are more hiding …
Either click on the more button , or use the filter.

Click on the filter, and start typing “absolute radio”, or click on MORE.


This is so odd, I’m getting a wide range of radio stations, but not the UK Absolute Radio stations:

what can I do more? If I try to add the url manually, the stream won’t play…

cheers, Gerard

Found it, apparently Absolute Radio is actually blocking listeners outside the UK (see here). Interestingly, Absolute Radio is playing fine via the TuneIn app in The Netherlands.

many thanks to everybody for thinking along with me, cheers, Geard

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Ahh, of course. Roon has a geo-restriction tag on the stations. That’s why they don’t show up in a search for you, but they do for me (I’m in the UK).

The raw streams will work outside the UK, but Roon will observe the restrictions and not allow the stations to be played.

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