Request to stream on Roon (ref#OSLUG4)

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I would like stream

Describe your network setup

Ubiquity router, roon server windows 11, HQPlayer OS, T&A DAC all wired requires a login, albeit free. I presume to get one’s details. No go for Roon.

(Or did you mean If so, which region?)

Hi, I am trying to stream Brain.FM through Roon in the UK. I can do it via something besides Roon, but no joy to get it as a Radio Station

I can see there is login in Spotify for Brain.FM. Can Roon be set-up for access like this?

From their website
The Service requires you to register and create accounts for validation.

I don’t know, but it is possible that the stream provided to you after logging in is a token protected one that you may be able to use in your my live radio.

Let me explore.

I have an Apple TV. I think I can log into Brain.FM by using the Apple TV and then use the Apple TV as a node/stream to Roon?

I tried to setup a free account but they wanted a credit card - so gave up.

A propos using a source to stream to Roon, will this help

Or (in due course)


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