Resampling in ARC

So the problem is this - I started listening to music via ARC from my Android smartphone and I can’t understand why it converts all the music to 48 hertz, I checked the settings and couldn’t find where to turn off up sampling. if you point it at the app, it will say that this is the DSD setting, but there is nothing in the DSD settings

A phone is not capable of outputting higher or bit perfect without an external dac connected to it. Androids OS native sample rate on most devices is 48/24 so Roon resamples to this for compatibility reasons. iOS is the same.

Hi, the app info message says DSP not DSD.

The DSP engine, or MUSE as Roon now call it, is performing the upsampling.

Why? For compatibility with Android which is expecting a 48K stream.

If you want native rate then I believe an external DAC is required.

Thank you, but I was mistaken, there is DSP, I understood everything, thanks for the answer

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