Rework the iOS app?

The retina hardware pixel/physical resolution is 2048x1536, while the logical resolution is 1024x768, meaning the latter is the number of pixels that the device appears to have to running code. The window property window.devicePixelRatio is available to determine the ratio between physical and logical pixels. What this means is that roon’s UI would have to be designed for a 1024x768 pixel space.

According to this post: New ipad pro 10.5 inch support
1112x834 (iPad 10.5") is not enough for the current UI design but 1366x1024 is (iPad 12"). It seems to me that roonlabs could scale the portrait layout to1024x768 for this device, knowing it will be scaled up and rendered well at the retina resolution. However, I’ve never written any code targeting iOS so this may be more complicate. I guess the wait will continue.