thanks for your comment.
Two questions:
- how do I prevent Roon from adding duplicates if they are from the same albums when watching two different, but similar drives (one library and one backup which is not identical)? My assumption (which may not be correct based on your comments) is that Roon should not add identical tracks/albums, but rather just one copy, or alternatively, give you the easy ability to filter out the duplicates. Hypothetically, If I am watching three or four drives, is Roon adding the same tracks over and over?
I do not want to delete “watching a drive” because the other drive is not identical. Sometimes I add albums on one drive or the other depending on the format that is easiest. One drive accepts CD’s, the other downloaded USB files on a flash drive.
- how do I get rid of the many duplicates (see my earlier post screenshots) I have in some sort of efficient way? Remember there are thousands of duplicate tracks. When I click the 3 dots to the right of an entry (Album or Track), and I can edit, I select delete album or delete track as the case may be. For the most part, but not always, there is no effect on the Roon listings. And the duplicates remain listed.
Many times after going through multiple steps, I am told it cannot be deleted in Roon, but must be done in iTunes. There are 2 iTunes drives. How am I editing in Roon and deleting what Roon has added from iTunes? Or can I delete the album/tracks in Roon versus editing in both Roon and iTunes? I want to delete one place not in multiple programs. The reason for the duplicates is how Roon is importing, not duplicates in the within the iTunes libraries.
I guess I am not really seeing how I can easily delete an album or tracks in Roon using the tools present. Perhaps I am missing the effective use of the built in tools.
Your thoughts are appreciated.