Last night Dr. John passed away at age 77.
He Will be missed.
Very Sad. Will have a muffaletta and Sazerac in his honor.
Another Dr. John album in a similar vein as “Gumbo” is 1992’s “Goin’ Back To New Orleans”, which contains Mac’s take on many New Orleans standards, including the classics “How Come My Dog Don’t Bark When You Come Round” and “Cabbage Head”.
A friend of mine met Dr. John about 45 years ago. My friend was in college, was himself an excellent guitarist and met Dr John through a mutual friend. They were sitting around with a guitar and Dr. John started playing. He could play anything – an amazing guitarist which his recordings seldom reveal.
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Come Get It, Get It, Come, Come
Walk on gilded splinters
'Til I Burn Up ,'Til I Burn Up, 'Til I Burn Up ,'Til I Burn Up