RIP Duane Eddy - Roots of Rock

Duane Eddy was an American rock and roll guitarist. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, he had a string of hit records produced by Lee Hazlewood, which were noted for their characteristically “twangy” guitar sound, including “Rebel-'Rouser”, “Peter Gunn”, and “Because They’re Young”.

Rebel Rouser was a theme for many of us at that time.


Yep, he was probably the first rock and roll guitar hero, but most of the members here are too young to even remember AM radio, let alone early artists such as Eddy,

Whoops! I got my Eddie and Duane confused. :confused:

In Rebel Rouser, he used a lot of reverb and this was before the rock fascination with Tele and Strat. He used a Gretsch.

And he was the first, to my memory, that used a building riff going from methodical to intense.

yes, there is a real difference between Eddy and Allman.:slightly_smiling_face:

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