RIP Steely Dan co-founder Walter Becker

He was a big part of some music that a lot of us enjoy a great deal.


A sad day for me. He (and Donald Fagen) bought a lot of joy into my life by their fabulous wacky jazzy music. Walter lives on with every recording track.

RIP Walter. You’ll be missed.

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Very very sad. :cry:

Responsible for some of the best recorded music that exists in my collection (and probably anywhere). Steely Dan played a large part in the soundtrack narrative to my life. Sad.


A great loss. His wry sense of humour, tasteful guitar licks and songwriting skills will be sadly missed.

Yes very sad indeed! Glad I go to seem them perform in their last tour a few years ago in the Hunter Valley.

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One of my all time Bands ‘Steely Dan’
Having first listened to ‘Gaucho’ years ago i’ve been hooked.
He will be missed.

Post your favourite Steely Dan/Walter Becker lyric:

Lonnie swept the playroom
And he swallowed up all he found
It was forty-eight hours till Lonnie came around.


One of many favorites: Profound thoughts :grinning:

Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you my friend
Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again
When the demon is at your door
In the morning it won’t be there no more
Any major dude will tell you

Pretzel Logic - Any Major Dude Will Tell You (1974)


Re Boston Rag…If I had to choose a fave from Steely Dan it would be this track and that lyric. That instrumental break in the Boston Rag which comes after that is just the best.

I never tire of Steely Dan; probably have listen to some steely dan most days, for the last thirty years. Incredible.

At our family get togethers we always start the proceedings with some Steely Dan :slight_smile:

What a fantastic legacy to leave behind, this music will live on for many, many decades to come.



Can’t believe one half of steely dan has gone. So very sad. I absolutely love that band and forms apart of my life like no other band has done. I’ve listen to them most days for years and years. Soooo sorry to hear he’s gone

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