Ripping 2-ch SACD's -- how?

Forgive the non-Roon question, but there are obviously a lot of SACD experts here. After a brief Google, it appears that you have to get an older/hacked PS3 to rip SACD’s? Am I missing something, or is that the gist of it? I’m specifically talking about 2-ch SACD’s…

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@trlrock - Yes you need an older model of Sony Playstation. This thread will give you all the information you seek. It is a long read. Specific model of both Playstation and firmware.

This is true for both 2 channel and multi channel.

Your link looks intriguing, but nothing happens when I click on it…

@trtlrock -

Apologies, try this link.


Yeah – a 97-page thread! I think not:smiley:

Owning a couple, and maybe looking at getting a couple more, this looks like a good excuse to get that Oppo & run the Mch analog outs into my G61 & call it a day.

In all seriousness though, thanks for the link.

@trtlrock - Apologies - here try this - it is the guide to SACD ripping. First two pages will have all the info you seek. It is a PDF File not a thread.

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The guy responsible for the original ripping process is working on a solution to rip directly via USB, so no need to hunt down a matching PS3:

CA thread


He is working on it but there is no stated date to expect a product. I am hopeful but, at the moment, the PS3-route is the only effective one.

The other effective way is to use the old analog technique and record to 2XDSD with a DSD Recorder (Tascam DA-3000).
(Yes, the DA-3000 does auto track split.)

Even with the best D/A/D (followed by the playback D/A), I find this method unappealing. But I ain’t interested in 2-channel SACD.

Kal, understandable. The series of conversions does lead to a potential generational issue. A copy of a copy. Still, it would take a good study and a report to show facts. Using heuristics, I think you may be right.

I have not found of a way to get multichannel or even ambisonic recordings into the workflow of the artist I generally listen to. Still, I know you are requesting Multichannel support in Roon. I do hope you get your wish. :smiley:

Agreed. Using an analog intermediary is, logically, introducing extraneous variables even though I have no data or experience to say that they must be deleterious.

I keep up the fight for multichannel to keep the issue on the table. Roon fascinates me but, for now, cannot suit me.

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