ROCK - huge iPad memory occupancy / please help!

good morning,
I have Roon Rock installed on a NUC and as an interface I use a 7th generation iPad with 32Gb of memory…

trying to do an upgrade of the IPad I realized today that.

  • iPad OS → about 5Gb
  • iPad system data → about 9Gb
  • Roon → 14Gb !!!
  • Qobuz → only 318Mb

in library I have about 1689 albums, almost all of them via Qobuz… Roon’s huge consumption of space prevents updates (I have to connect to pc otherwise it doesn’t get done) and noticeably slows down the operation of the tablet

how can I move the space occupied in the tablet to the NUC memory?

thks in advance for kind help

update: I’ve found the “clean cache” button in the settings and… the memory space went down from 14Gb to 10Gb, the iPad now is fluid again but the problem about abnorm memory consumption remain… now I would like to know… what are those 10Gb for?

I just looked at it was 54Gb , i deleted the app and reinstalled it’s now 500mb

Not sure what normal is ?

It caches covers and stuff, constantly growing in size…
One can also select to reset app on next startup instead of removing and reinstalling.

You can reset the Roon app in iOS by going to settings → Roon → reset Roon remote on next startup

54GB sure sounds excessive. Caches or not, it shouldn’t just keep growing forever until it inevitably fails

I never really looked before, this thread sorta prompted me, I have set Reset at Next Start

I wonder if it will help the lost focus problem, I’ll monitor

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I have to periodically delete/reload the app on my 7th gen iPad. Over time, Roon will slowly devour just about all available memory. It’s been this way as long as I can remember, so I don’t expect Roon will fix this issue (if they even consider it an issue). When an iOS update is available, I have to delete the Roon app in order to update iOS.

I tried the “reset” feature when it was introduced, but I don’t remember it working well. Granted, that was a long time ago. Perhaps next time I’ll try it again.

Roon was up at just over 10GB for me, deleted and re-installed and now it’s down to 461MB which does seem a huge difference. What was the other 9.5 GB ?


Another long-standing issue that has never been fixed. Just delete the app and reinstall. Interestingly, this issue just seems to impact iPads, not iPhones.

Part of it could be cache. One could try how much smaller it gets by just deleting image cache within the app

I tried… it reduced the volume from 14GB to10GB… so seems that delete/reinstall is the only way to keep it under control

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thanks to everybody for kind help :slightly_smiling_face: