I’ve noticed that the time in my Roon logs is exactly one hour off from the actual time. After some investigation, I found that this issue is due to the system time in the BIOS not synchronizing properly to winter time. I was able to adjust it manually, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to automate this synchronization. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Roon records the time in the logs in UTC. This is by design and does not need to be corrected. Roon OS should already use the network time protocol to synchronize its clock, so the process should already be automated. If in doubt, just reboot your NUC and check again.
NOTE: Every modern OS, with the exception of Windows, supported by Roon Labs to run Roon Server stores its system time (BIOS time) in UTC. It is therefor expected that the time in your BIOS is UTC and may differ from your local time, as ROCK is Linux and not Windows.