ROCK server not seen on network when i try to use a switch

Hi, I’m new to this forum. After going to Uptone’s contact page, I saw the link to the forum so I thought I’d seek the knowledge of the hive mind.

I’ve been a happy EtherRegen owner for a few years. I recently built a Roon ROCK NUC server. It has worked fine, but it occurred to me that I might configure the signal path differently.

My chain is Arris modem>>>Google Mesh>>>ethe rregen>>>NUC>>>DAC (via USB). This works fine, but there is a slight clinical glare to music that wasn’t there before the NUC. (Before NUC, my core was wireless which I’ve read is not recommended.)

It occurred to me the other day, why not put the NUC on one of the other EtherRegen ‘A’ ports to see how/if that would change the sound.

So I’ve tried Arris Modem>>>Mesh>>>EtherR A port 1>>> EtherR B Port>>>DAC
and then on 2nd A port>>>NUC.

In that second setup, everything is on the network except ROCK. I’ve power-cycled everything. I’ve gone into NUC and reset network settings and still no joy. Any insights would be much appreciated. I’m a networking noob so it could very well be operator error.

Hi Kevin,

I would suggest you contact EtherRegen manufacturer since that is not a standard switch when you are crossing from the A ports to the B ports. If you had both plugged all three into the A side then I think it would work.

To me, it seems, whatever EtherRegen is doing in the isolation of the A ports to the B port is breaking RoonServer’s network detection which is multicast.

Thank you. I’ve reached out to them and waiting to hear back. In the meantime, I’ll try your suggestion to go all front ports and see.