don’t worry, I managed to fix this issue. I will release the fixed version till end of next week. Hope you can wait that long
Hum not sure as I was so exited to receive my Surface Dial !
But I’m already so happy with your upnp extention that saved the streaming on my Hegel H360 that I’ll be kind with you this time
rooExtend v1.3.3 is Out
I am happy to announce the new version v1.3.3 of rooExtend.
It includes: rooDial v1.3.1 and rooUPnP v1.0.3
In rooDial there are two new functions available based on community feedback and also bug fixes. Thanks for yout input!
- The triple press action was added and defaults to “Previous Title”. This can be changed.
- A switch was added to prevent accidentally volume change if nothing is currently playing in the assigned zone. Activating this means that volume can only be adjusted if Roon plays something in the selected zone.
Fixed issues:
- Microsoft Surface Dial could not be paired with newer Pi4 devices is fixed.
- Volume blows up in certain situations is fixed.
rooUPnP is still in evaluation mode! Just try it for free!
- The discovery speed after changing device settings is much higher now.
- Sonos devices will no longer be discovered because Roon supports them natively.
I also like to let you know that a new wireless Roon controller is coming up soon within rooExtend. The SpaceMouse Wireless is really a quite interesting device for Roon lovers! More expensive than the Microsoft Surface Dial but best quality, heavy (500g) and High End. I will present a Plug-And-Play solution with a Pi4 soon within rooExtend!
How to get the new version?
Download the v1.3.3 of rooExtend as you did with the previous versions from here: rooExtend - Google Drive
Copy it to the memory card as you did with the previous version.
If using WiFi connect to your WiFi as you did with the previous version.
Enable the rooDial Extension and license it with your license number as you did with the previous version.
I wish you a trouble-free update and a lot of fun with the new version.
So. I need to un register and redo now?
Also happy to have a switch for the volume lock when not playing, as I use mine to control a Lumin that still allows me to turn things up or down when the wife is streaming Spotify to the lumin…Handy it will still work when switch is off
No, just download and reuse your license key for the new image.
No more license revoking if you use the same Pi. :-
Issues with the latest Roon Server regarding zones!
Roon Version 1.8 (build 790) stable (64Bit)
The roon API does no more report zone changes if playback devices were added or removed. This has massive impact on rooDial and rooUPnP! If rooDial or rooUPnP is running and you power up any Roon or UPnP playback device it will no more appear in the zones setting
I already opened a ticket at Roon, we will see when it is solved.
The only workaround is:
- First power on all your Roon and UPnP devices (if you also use rooUPnP)
- Second power on your Pi
You can then see all your devices in rooDial and rooUPnP also if they were turned off.
Thanks for this update, the triple click action is nice to have. Would it also be possible to add a ‘rotate while pressed’ action, so one could use seeking for that while keeping the normal rotate for volume change?
Was not very happy with V 1.3.3 - my Surface Dial lost connection after every new start of the ROCK. Had to remove and set in again the batteries. Switched back to V 1.3.0 - now all runs flawlessly as bevore
I installed v. 1.3.3, but in Roon it says v. 1.3.1.
And in the pdf for 1.3.3 l couldn’t find any release notes for the changes in 1.3.3.
TL;DR what you are seeing is correct.
The versioning that is being used here is confusing indeed:
- rooExtend is on v1.3.3
- rooDial is on v1.3.1
- rooPnP is on 1.0.3
If you read the release notes in the quick install guide, you’ll see that it does in fact make a distinction between the two.
each of the roon extensions need a running core because they register to it. Shutting off the Core this leads to a lost connection. There was nothing changed at this point between 1.3.0 and 1.3.3.
So I bet that if you first boot rooExtend and after come time the core even with v1.3.0 you won‘t get a connection.
Wouldn’t you be able to periodically scan for a core when rooExtend does not find one at boot time?
After all, Roon remotes can reconnect to a core when it was down and came back online.
Interesting point. Well: I let the Raspberry with RooDial run through constantly. But I turn off Roon Rock in the evening when I can’t hear any more music. If RooDial 1.3.0 is installed, there is no problem with the connection when I restart the Rock the next day. Turned the wheel a little and everything works. This was not the case with RooDial 1.3.1. I’ve tested it multiple times. Every time I restarted Rock, I had to remove and reinsert the batteries to get a connection. Hmm …
I will put it on my list…
I like to take back my warning regarding Roon Version 1.8 (build 790) stable (64Bit).
It was an issue with my Windows 10 firewall
Strikes again… no surprises here - Windows is not your friend
Having issues getting this to work on a Mac. The Pi is flashing as expected, and blinking properly. Able to connect, and additionally connect it to the wireless network. However, when I pull Roon up, the extension never shows up at all. Any thoughts on why this would happen? One thing to note, the roon server is on a physical network, and the PI is wireless, so they are on different subnets. Not sure if this is dependent on subnet broadcast or not. Any help is appreciated, as I am confident the rest of the setup is right.
They need to be on the same subnet to work.
Hi all. Nice work on rooDial DrCWO - over the past week I have installed two using a couple of different variations of Raspberry Pi devices and everything is working smoothly.
However - a quick warning to anyone buying a license via the sellcodes page - it will be classed as a “cash transfer” by your credit card company - for me this incurred an additional $4 charge for each license I bought, but much more problematically, it can mean you lose your interest free period for the entire statement period for your credit card. In my case, these extra costs from the two small license purchases risk doubling the overall cost of the license.
A quick follow up here: I contacted my bank to negotiate the vagaries of the conditions associated with the interest-free period of my credit card, and in the process of relating my experience they offered to refund the cash advance charges, which was a pleasant surprise. The situation is still worth being aware of – but depending on your bank, you may have some recourse in case you were caught out like me. At the end of the day, it will end up costing me an extra $10 or so in foregone interest charges rather than the $80 or so I was worried about. I do recommend that anyone who has purchased a license check how it shows up on their credit card sooner rather than later!