rooDial a Wireless Volume Knob for Roon with Microsoft Surface Dial

Am I correct in saying there is no simple setup web page for the RooDial?

I’ve been using the device for about a year. I found it very difficult experience to get it setup initially, eventually getting there with the authors help. Unfortunately its now stopped working - and Im dreading another ‘experience’ to get it re-setup. My hope was that by now there would be a web page showing setup process - but I see this is still not the case.

Hi @Simon_Williams,
do you know my videos?

There is also a quick installation guide in the download area.

If you have further questions please let me know. I will provide all help you need.
My Tip: best start with the fresh v2.2.2 image from the download page. There have been a lot of improvements in the last month also regarding stability of rooDial.

Best DrCWO

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My German isn’t so good - do you have an English version of the ‘Quick Installation guide’?

I meant the document called “rooExtend Quick Installation Guide”. This is is in English :+1:

It includes many possible options and should include all you need to know.
If there are things missing please let me know. I will add and offer a new version.

Best DrCWO

Thanks - now working :slight_smile:

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Just a quick check might not be directly related to roodial, as I uses the roodial with dsp volume, and I have a screen display the Roon display, is there any way I can get volume information on the Roon display? At least I get a sense of what’s the volume and also can observe the volume when I am turning up the volume through roodial?

As far as I know the Roon Display does not reflect the volume setting. I have no idea how or if this can be changed.

Thanks for the quick response, I did try to search for it prior to post the question here, it seems likely no easy way then, thanks

will roodial ever have ability to play a playlist or radio station just like nuimo when you wipe up or down?

Hello. I have configured the Official 7” Raspberry zip display with raspberry 3b and Ropieee just to display what is being played by Roon on my setup. I also use the wonderful Surface dial to control. The volume change or setting gets displayed on the Pi. Disply

For v3.0.0 I plan an update for rooDial. I will introduce a second layer. The idea is:

  • A long press of the Dial is quitted by a single haptic feedback bringing you to the second layer.
  • There additional actions for single, double and tripple press and twist can be defined. These will include nearly all, that rooNuimo offers today.
  • A second long press will be answered by a double haptic feedback, bringing you back to layer one.

Any comments regarding this idea?

Best DrCWO

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With rooExtend v2.3.0 you will be able to see the beautiful Roon Display Content on a HDMI screen connected to the Raspberry 3 and 4.

This HDMI Display will show exactly what you can currently see if you connect your browser or a Chromecast enabled TV to Roon (see Roon: Settings Displays).

In v2.3.0 I will display exactly this via HDMI and sorry, there will be no volume display as Roon does not show it :cold_sweat: You can open a request at Roon, maybe they are willing to add it.

Best DrCWO


That’s great. So I load the rooextend on a pi 3 or 4 and also connect it to a larger HDMI display (and it will give both - Surfacedial control for volume no also the display? Or I need a separate licence?

At the moment I plan to include the display functionality in the license of rooPlay see here: rooExtend – The easy start with Roon Extensions - Audio Gear Talk - Roon Labs Community

But I will think again about it :thinking:
Best DrCWO

I have installed RooDial on a Raspberry Pi W2 with the Microsoft Surface Dial.
My Roon endpoint is a MiniDSP SHD.

Everything during installation seemed to work. The Raspberry came up, and I got it connected to my wifi. It came up correctly in Roon settings - Extenstions. I paired it with the Surface Dial, and installed the licence. When rotating or pushing the Surface Dial I can see (R), (L) or (P) as described.

The Press Actions on the Surface Dial (stop/go, skip to next track, etc) work as it should. But I cannot control volume: when rotating the Surface Dial I see the (R) or (L), but volume stays at the same level regardless.

Any help or suggestions for this?

Please try if you can control it with the slider within Roon. Probably not.

Go to the settings of your device and select eiter DSP volume of Device volume.
Hope this helps.

Best DrCWO

Also worth checking, if you have more than one endpoint (zone), that you have selected the correct zone in RooDial.

Thanks for your swift answer :slight_smile:

You’re right: I cannot control it with the slider within Roon either.

I have checked with device settings:

  • DSP Volume is not available
  • Fixed volume disables Volume Control
  • Device Volume: this is the setting I have described.

PS: In Roon I can see (in lower right corner) the volume icon with volume settings in dB. This setting will change when I rotate the Microsoft Surface Dial - but no matter: the volume stays at the same level

Thanks for chiming in with suggestions. I have checked: the zone is correct :slight_smile:

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seams the device volume setting does not change the volume of your DAC!
If in Roon the slider is visible, your DAC reports to Roon that it is able to change volume.
You should ask the support of your DAC why a volume change in Roon has no effect. Maybe there is a setting in your DAC to enable it.