Roon 1.7 Feedback Thread

I agree about Show All. I set a bookmark for Albums sorted by date added. Going straight to that bookmark seems to do the trick for what I want.

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Actually, Lightroom is first and foremost a DAM - Digital Asset Management - program. Itā€™s strength is organization (many feel other programs like Capture One are better at the actual RAW conversion and processing). So I donā€™t think the analogy is too far off. Roon is also based on creating virtual thumbnail files that can be organized how one sees fit. If I just want to easily view photos in LR I can do that, but if I want to go deeper then itā€™s all there in an easy to use consistent matter to do so. I could choose to use LR and never ā€˜dabbleā€™ if I didnā€™t want to - but if I doā€¦ It should be the same with Roon, imo. So why do you say two views? Why not just one with all the tools you need available in an easy to find manner to use if you want or need to - or never if you donā€™t.

A post was split to a new topic: Better Automatic Play of Highest Quality Version

A bit off topic, but Lightroom really is a full photographic workflow application. Whereas Roon is ā€œonlyā€ a player and an ā€œokā€ asset manager.

Personally I would love if Roon was a full workflow application, including better asset management, especially fixing/cleaning and editing metadata. There should be a standard sidecar file format for ID3v2 or similiar, just like XMP for raw files, so you donā€™t have to depend on a specific database/software AND donā€™t alter the original file (unless you want to).


Love this idea!

Like this idea @rockphotog. Sure roon works when it works but when it doesnā€™t there is no way of fixing a ā€œsimpleā€ problem or error.

Enable Some sort of meta data editing would solve a problem I have now. Two different artists with the same name ends up rolled into one artist with albums from both artist displayed. I have no idea how to separate the data in roon, so I must ask support for some correction to the meta data. Nothing happens so I contact Tidal to correct meta data, nothing happens. This has been an issue for over 2 years.

I did say ā€œsimpleā€ right?!


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Two small feedback items (after just starting to use Roon, installed under Windows):

  1. when in My Playlists, click on a playlist (say starting with ā€˜Kā€™), click the Back arrow to get back into My Playlists, I would like to get to the playlist that I went into (ā€˜Kā€™) instead of back to the top of the list.
  2. PgUp and PgDn functionality in My Playlists would help.

Iā€™m sure it used to remember where it was on a screen when you went back, but I too have noticed this behaviour - very annoying!

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