Roon 2.0 and internet connectivity [it's just like 1.8 now]

I was just in the process of composing such message myself. You’ve put it perfectly. I agree.

Agree. I can seamlessly switch between Roon and LMS, the latter not requiring internet connection, but otherwise working with my multi room setup.

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If someone repeatedly gravitates back to a specific topic, theme, or complaint, then it becomes axe-grinding on their part, and that is not looked kindly upon. See:

I find such divisions entirely silly and agree with you. However, when the topic is playback of local files when there is no internet, the difference is at the heart of the matter and it can’t be avoided


It is true that it is a done deal and Roon have said that they won’t change it. So you are 100% right. But “victim card” ? No. Just not a pushover.

The thing is, Roon’s reasons for doing this aside, from the customer point of view this is a serious degradation. Specially because the solution is very much unacceptable. JUST THINK (not sure what is keeping you from seeing this). If you want to keep a very reasonable and expected feature - the ability to play local files without the need for internet access - you need to downgrade to an application that will stop getting supported on 12/22 !!! that is less than 3 months away! Yet you are expected to either keep paying for Roon (if you are subscriber) OR you are not getting a refund on your lifetime subscription because of a feature that not only was there and was removed, it is NOT ACTUALLY A FEATURE. IT IS A REASONABLE EXPECTATION.

Ugh - gotta walk away. I am getting upset and there are too many unconditionals here… Don’t want to get into a flame war, so no replies will be read.

Last thing I will say. Unless of course, I am forced to cancel because like I said, the second I am kept from playing my local files, I will do it out of principle.

Latah - enjoy 2.0, if you upgraded. Just pray your internet does not go out.



Over the years I have had conversations with family and friends about my music setup. Some of them might think I might be goofy about this sort of stuff especially when the cost is so obvious. After all it does sound really nice.

I have in my opinion a small fortune invested in this. Multiple endpoints for multiple rooms, multiple amps, multiple set of speakers, not to mention lots of time with my hobby.

You see I bought into this Roon philosophy hook line and sinker.

I have family, friends over for a cook out, get together, a meeting place quite often. I am very proud of my music setup through out my house.

Internet goes out and nothing works. All this investment. All this time. A dud.

Not a very good feeling about this.



Couldn’t have worded a more appropriate post than this.

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There are other solutions besides Roon 1.8 Legacy. However, we don’t know how long Roon 1.8 Legacy will function very acceptably well.

not a solution to listen on a hifi system, only works on portable devices


You can use an iPhone/iPad camera adapter and send usb out to wherever you want. Not the greatest solution, but it works.

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I agree that ARC isn’t a great solution, Roon appears to disagree. :frowning:


I have had Roon for six years. I move around and travel many times as a college student, with each location varying in internet speed. My entire library is local, with only a few albums in Tidal and Qobuz ( > 0.1% of my entire library ) So, after spending $699 on Roon, I tell myself “oh well, Roon was probably not the right choice in the first place.” Really??

Roon was not just created for individuals who come back from work/wake up on the weekend and sit in their houses/apartments all day, many people enjoy the open world and want to have Roon by their side. My core is on my laptop; I am not the only one.

P.s. I like the dog pic!


Plain and simple. I think requiring a constant connection is unreasonable. I would like to see this corrected ASAP. I hope that Roon Labs will take all of these comments to heart and remedy the situation.


Thank God i did not pay for this money sinking software.

So, you just drop in every 5 years to express an opinion?


weird thing to say… either:

  1. you never paid for Roon and are whining about the software you never paid to use
  2. you did pay (Black Friday), and indirectly pay (ask Johannes), but are just being inflammatory on the internet hoping no one calls you out on your ■■



No Danny, i am not happy paying a fortune and waited ages to have offline capabilty - arrogantly roon neglected this wish for years. If its reasonable priced i do not have a problem. But even for a lifstyle product (yes it is) it must deliver it’s performance which the buyers asks and demand. For 699 $ i demand a perfect ecosystem which is thoughtful → Talking BS: Even the new Roon Arc does not work with carplay - you have to fiddle with a phone while driving as seen in the promo video ? Very sophisticated.

I don’t want to insert myself into this; I just want to point out you don’t need to fiddle with a phone if you use Bluetooth. I tried that with ARC and I had just enough control over playback. I think it’s better to have something that partially works now than wait indefinitely for something that strives for some kind of perfection.


Tosh! What’s this “must”? You like it, you buy it. You don’t, you don’t.

Demand? You and King Canute.

What does all of this have to do with Internet connectivity.


Roon has not introduced a CarPlay integration for Roon ARC. It’s coming soon.