Roon 2.0 and internet connectivity [it's just like 1.8 now]

Thank you, Danielle, for your contribution to this discussion. It put’s things well in perspective.

Personally I’m connected to a glass fibre-internet-network. And that is becoming the standard in our country (NL) at the moment. Downtime is therefore very rare.

But I’m well aware that in many parts of the world internet connection still can be unreliable and vulnerable due to local circumstances (like storms as some Roon-users stated here). So I can relate to the concerns of many here. And I agree that it’s therefore probably not in the interest of a number of Roon-users to make Roon 2.0 completely internet-dependent.

I think this point has been made very loudly here. However I think the way some people express their concerns here is in many cases exaggerated, rude, aggressive and insulting,
The Roon-staff has built wonderful software for us all. I’m glad to be part of this Roon community. And I trust the Roon-staff to consider other options (there are many useful suggestions made in this conversation).

IMHO it’s necessary to find a way to change Roon 2.0 to enable it to play our local music even if the internet is down. The point of all these contributions here is clear: this is essential for too many Roon-users at this time.